Beth Hutchison, PhD

In addition to being a self-employed academic editor, I’m an adjunct assistant professor at Portland State University, most frequently teaching WS370 History of Sexualities & WS332 Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality in the United States.

Prior to and during graduate school, I developed my skills in manuscript preparation through drafting, revising, and proofreading grant proposals, journal articles, evaluation reports, newsletters and training manuals for nonprofits and grant-funded centers at universities.

During 15 years as associate director of the Institute for Research on Women at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, I co-convened a weekly works-in-progress seminar where academics from across the humanities and qualitative social science disciplines shared drafts and discussed how to improve them for publication.

In the seminar, I learned from the strategies and approaches proposed by fellow members, and developed my ability to provide feedback to help colleagues strengthen their arguments, marshal their evidence, present compelling conclusions and bring a project to publication. I also gained the ability to quickly discern key opportunities for improvement and efficiently communicate possible solutions to faculty and advanced graduate students who use a variety of disciplinary languages and approaches.

After leaving Rutgers to return to the Pacific Northwest, I woke up one day to the realization that although I have a wonderful life, I miss the intellectual stimulation of regularly engaging with colleagues’ writing and providing useful editorial feedback.

BHedits is the product of that realization, and I look forward to a mutually stimulating and satisfying work relationship with you!